Company Profile

Lomuarredi is a company specialising in the strategic marketing and brand management of companies operating online in the furniture sector.
Through careful and direct management itenables luxury furniture companies to sell to the final customer at super competitive all-inclusive prices.
In order to optimise the management costs, invoicing and orders, administration will becarried out under strict supervision in compliance with protocolsto guarantee customers maximum security in online purchases.
It maintains a constant dialogue with the management of the companies with which it works, while fully respecting their operational autonomy.

Continual Evolution on Furniture Business:

- People: a team of skilled and professional managers with a proven track record of success, who contribute to value creation by adopting an ownership mindset in their thinking and actions.
- The economic outcomes derived from effective e-commerce management are assured.
- Complete supply chain management.
- High ranking on the major search engines, offering companies a sustainable long-term competitive advantage.

Contact Us
Lomuarredi Ltd
Registered Office
c/o The Accountancy Partnership
Twelve Quays House, Egerton Wharf,
Wirral Merseyside,
United Kingdom CH41 1LD
Registered in England n°11367128
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